We are so grateful for the generosity of people that enables our churches and church buildings not only exist, but make a difference to the communities that we serve. Your financial gift helps provide the church with the resources to do things well, whether that is to maintain beautiful and historic buildings or to demonstrate God’s love to the community in practical ways.
There are three ways to give:
Standing order or direct bank payments.The most effective and efficient way to give which enables us to do things well is to set up a regular and recurring standing order or by making direct bank payments. Not only does this pass on the whole of your donation to us, regular and recurring donations helps us to plan and budget more effectively. Please contact us for us to send you a standing order form or give you our bank details. |
Donate in our churchesYou can visit any of our churches. Each church has a wall safe should you wish to make a cash donation and a contactless giving machine should you wish to make a donation between £3 and 30. If you visit during a service, you can give cash in the collection plate or use the contactless machine at the back of church. Gift Aid forms are available in the church buildings. |
Donate OnlineThe quickest way to give is to use your debit or credit card online. You can give a one-off donation here safely and securely by clicking on the button below: |
Gift Aid
If you are a UK tax payer, for every £1 you give, we can claim 25p back from HM Revenue and Customs on your behalf and at no extra cost to you. To enable us to do this, please download and complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form, and return it to the Rectory. For more details, please visit